faster gameplayの例文


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  1. The development team aimed to create a simulation-oriented experience, but with faster gameplay.
  2. The game also includes more background layers, faster and clearer sprite movement, and overall faster gameplay.
  3. The site shills for the company's CD-ROMs, which offer better graphics and faster gameplay than their on-line cousins.
  4. Critics also enjoyed the faster gameplay the game offered in comparison to its predecessor, as well as its new features.
  5. The game features several changes from the original " Pac-Man ", including faster gameplay, more mazes, new intermissions, and moving bonus items.


  1. "faster clock"の例文
  2. "faster computer"の例文
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  5. "faster faster"の例文
  6. "faster harder scooter"の例文
  7. "faster healing"の例文
  8. "faster hooves"の例文
  9. "faster horses"の例文
  10. "faster kill pussycat"の例文
  11. "faster drilling"の例文
  12. "faster faster"の例文
  13. "faster harder scooter"の例文
  14. "faster healing"の例文

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